Deprive your ward of carrying money to school.
Try cashless payment feature in smart cards!!!
eCampus Solutions
Cashless Payment
A Win-Win Solution for Schools, Campuses, and Parents...
Try Smart Card based Cashless Payment Solutions !!!
Deprive your ward of carrying money to school.
Try cashless payment feature in smart cards!!!
Cashless Payment
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Deprive your ward of carrying money to school.
Try cashless payment feature in smart cards!!!
Payment Solutions
Cashless Payment
A Cashless Solution for Schools, Campuses, & Parents...
SmartCard based Cashless Payment Solutions !!!
Deprive your ward of carrying money to school.
Try cashless payment feature in smart cards!!!
Cashless Payment
Contact usRegister NowBook a Demo

Smart Card for Library Payments
- Students pay their fine using the smart card, which transfers the payments instantly to the official institution accounts
- Smartcards be replaced with cash transactions both on and off campus
- Library charges can be paid at the Helpdesk, using your Smartcard
- Smart card can be used to check out library material
- The cashless card system reduces the risk of theft or fraud as it is secured with digital Encrypted prepaid smart cards. So it lowers the crime rate. It also facilitates both the Student and School Administration.
- For switching to this system, all parents need to do is reload their account anytime they want. And submit these school payment dues online with their comfort zone.
- Student Campus card On-Boarding is instantly done by self-service kiosk activation screens in all campus locations
- Reduce operating cost
- Data protection and longevity
- Cashless systems are secure and fast.
100 +
Total Number Of Schools
50 +
Total Number Of Colleges And Universities
150 +
Total Number Of Campuses
100 K+
Total Number Of Students